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Ladies: New Survey Says Dad Bods are Preferred

2015 Hangout Music Festival - Day 2

Ladies, if you're currently single and dating- which one do you prefer- "Dad Bods" or "Strong & Muscular" ? A new survey is out saying that 75% of the women who participated by Dating.com, actually preferred the "Dad Bod" according to The Insider.

From The Insider:

"Hot vaxx summer" is on its way and singles everywhere are ready to enter into a season of hedonistic dating and sex. In preparation, some people are ramping up their workouts to lose the "pandemic 15" they gained in the last year.
But according to a survey by Dating.com, singles shouldn't be too stressed about additional weight interfering with their chances to date.
In the survey, 2,000 singles were asked via email what their preferred body type for a partner was, what they looked for in a partner, and what body they considered themselves to have. Nearly 75% of the respondents said they preferred a partner with a "dad bod" over any other body type in 2021. Dating.com did not break down the demographics of who was surveyed.
Unlike the chiseled and toned body types sold as the ideal physique to have, dad bods refer to bodies that are un-toned, a little squishy, but not completely out of shape or overweight.


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