If you're like me and working from home has become your new 'norm'... There are ways to maximize your productivity when working from home! Not only is it important to make sure you have everything you need at home but comfortably be set up to work from home in the long haul!
From Yahoo:
Working from home is quickly becoming an extended reality for millions of Americans: Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other tech brands recentlyannouncedthey would allow employees to work from home through the end of 2020.
Between 25 and 43 percent of Americans worked remotely on their laptops before the pandemic, according to recent numbers fromGallupand theBureau of Labor Statistics. But just because everyone’s doing it doesn’t mean everyone’s doing itright.
We all want a comfortable work space, but your household might not be remote-ready just yet. Maybe you’re crouched over the kitchen counter. You could be pecking away from the couch in a bustling family room. After week three (ordaythree), you might even be tempted to work from bed.
Not only do these scenarios hurt productivity, they can also wreak havoc on your posture, crunching you into unnatural positions and causing everything from neck strain to back pain. Your at-home work station deserves thoughtful consideration. “My number one recommendation is to have a dedicated area you work from. Keep it separate from your relaxation area,” saysAndreas Klinger, Head of Remote for AngelList, to Yahoo Lifestyle.
“Everyone’s set-up is going to be unique to their work style, their role, and their space,” addsMeaghan Williams, Remote Work and Inclusion Program Manager for Hubspot. We’ve created a cheat sheet to help set you up for work-from-home success—feel free to customize to your heart’s content.
Here's just a few:
Get a seat that offers stability
Yahoo! Plus Tech
Supplement your laptop with accessories like a mouse, keyboard, and monitor
Soundproof yourself