During this time, staff associates who work for Walmart, Publix, Kroger to name a few, have stepped up to the plate to be the heroes in our communities! For one dad, he gives us a different perspective on what his daughter is doing at Target.
From Yahoo:
I wanted my daughter to go to college, to discover her passion and make her mark in the world.
But it turns out she knew where she was needed.
She works at Target.
Normally, she’s stationed in the beauty section, keeping the shelves stocked and dispensing advice. Lately, she’s been selling a lot of hair color and nail care products for people who can’t get out to the salons.
While the coronavirus has made shut-ins of most of us, she ventures out nearly every day into an environment we’ve been told to fear, where one careless sneeze in her proximity could imperil her health or make her a danger to all those she loves.
She still comes to dinner on her days off. Given our history, I forgive the wary look in her eyes as she greets me, uncertain if the night will end with a thinly veiled lecture about life choices.
In normal times, she can deflect these efforts with anecdotes from work. Most are stories about obnoxious customer behavior that she collects like currency to dish out over spaghetti and garlic bread.
Now, the store she described sounds familiar, but altered in ways reminiscent of the dystopian young adult novels she grew up with, like “Hunger Games.” Her stories remind me of the grizzled veteran in war movies who frightens new arrivals with tales from the front. I half expect her to say, “You can’t know what it’s like unless you’ve been there.”
Instead, what she said was: “It feels like Christmas, but everyone is terrified.”
Signs and messages broadcast through the store’s public address system gently remind customers about the need for social distancing. Cashiers wipe the credit card machine with a disinfectant after every transaction. Two people do nothing but clean shopping carts. Another staff member circulates through the store wiping down anything a customer might touch.
Thank you to everyone who is like her! Thank you to all of our frontline workers and healthcare workers!