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Girl Honors Her Father In Senior Pictures

This is a sweet story! A Nebraska teen didn't take just ordinary senior pictures... she took them honoring her father who was killed in Afghanistan eleven years ago.

From WRDW:

Thousands of people are liking, sharing and commenting on a Nebraska high school senior's photos, but these aren't your typical senior pictures. They honor her late father who died in 2008 while fighting in Afghanistan.
Aurora High School senior Julia Yllescas said when she went to take her senior pictures, she wanted him to be there in some way.
Army Captain Robert Yllescas was injured by an IED and flown to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., where he died a month later. He was then buried in Osceola, Neb.
"Why it has hit my heart so hard is that I almost felt when I saw those pictures, that he truly was there,” Julia Yllescas said.
On Saturday, Julia Yllescas had her senior pictures taken and sent in photos to the photographer to see if she could edit her father into some of the shots. This way, she could keep a piece of her father's memory through her last year of high school.

Thank you to all the service men and women! Thank you to the families who sacrifice everyday for our country. WATCH BELOW...


Video Cred: WRDW

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