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Happy National Spouses Day!

Today is National Spouses Day! A new survey found the 10 things that annoy us the most about our spouses.  Check 'em out . . .


 1.  Selective listening, 40%.


2.  Snoring, 39%.


3.  Being a control freak, 26%.


4.  Not financially responsible, 20%.


5.  Gross habits like nose picking, flatulence, and burping, 19%.


6.  Not contributing enough to housework, 18%.


7.  Messy habits like leaving dirty clothes on the floor, 17%.


8.  Works too much, 16%.


9.  Doesn't get along with your parents, 8%.


10.  Always forgets your anniversary, 5%.


 The survey also found the 10 things that we actually APPRECIATE about our spouses . . .


 1.  Hard working, 60%.


2.  You can be yourself around them, 56%.


3.  Makes you laugh, 56%.


4.  Smart, 52%.


5.  Supportive of your goals, 48%.


6.  Great parent, 45%.


7.  Sexy, 44%.


8.  Good with money, 31%.


9.  Does the dishes, 29%.


10.  Buys you things, 28%. 



(National Today)

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