There's NOTHING better than getting to shift the blame for gaining weight, so this is great. A new survey found the top 10 reasons why your JOB makes you put on pounds. See, it's not your fault . . . it's that damn job.
According to the survey, 45% of people say they've gained weight at their current job, and 10% have gained more than 20 pounds. Here are the 10 reasons why . . .
1. Sitting at a desk most of the day. 51% said this contributed to their weight gain.
2. Too tired from work to exercise. 45% said it was a factor.
3. Eating because of job stress, 38%.
4. No time to exercise before or after work, 38%.
5. Eating out all the time, 24%.
6. Having to skip meals because of time, 19%. (Not sure how that adds to weight gain . . . maybe it's because you overeat later because you're so hungry?)
7. Celebrations at work, 18%.
8. The office candy jar, 16%.
9. Pressure to eat food your coworkers bring in, 8%.
10. Happy hours, 4%.