'A baby has 6 Grandmothers in her family!'

This sort of situation is different and I feel like it's rare when it actually happens. It's really fascinating! A baby has six grandmothers and she is the fifth generation living in her family according to Yahoo! Usually, you hear about having a living great-grandmother but it's rare to hear about a living great-great grandmother and that's exactly what little Ms. Eloise Holland, has!

From Yahoo:

A baby has become the fifth living generation of her family on both her mother’s and father’s sides.
There’s no shortage of love, or babysitters, for 8-month-old, Eloise Holland, from Blackpool, who has six grandmothers and is the youngest member of the five generation family.
There are 97 years between her and her great-great-grandmother Brenda Scarisbrick, who is the eldest member of her family.
And the infant is lucky enough to also have her maternal great-great-grandmother Margaret Wright, 74, to look up to too.
As well as her parents, Eloise has a grandmother, and great-grandmother on both sides of the family.
Mum Sofia Holland, 18, says her unique family has offered her and Eloise’s dad, Liam Underwood, 21, plenty of support as young parents.
“My daughter is perfect and I have the most amazing family around to support me as a young mum,” she says.
“I feel incredibly lucky.”
Sofia’s mother, Karla Holland, 37, is a full time mum-of-five, while Liam’s mother, Linda Barnes, 40, works as a full time carer.
They are both grandmothers to baby Eloise, and are the third generation of the family.
Karla’s mother Carol Bellone, 53, is an advertising sales manager and Linda's mother, Kath Barnes, 70, is a retired saleswoman.
Both are great-grandmothers to Eloise.
Incredible as that is, the family doesn’t end there, as Eloise has another generation of relatives further up the family tree.
Carol's mum, 74-year-old ex professional ballroom dancer and retired student services worker Margaret Wright is Eloise's great-great-grandmother.
While Kath’s mum, retired farm owner Brenda Scarisbrick completes the set, at the age of 97.

That is pretty cool and she is so adorable!


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