'A Reusable Face Mask for The Deaf & Hard of Hearing'

This is awesome and it makes us feel good that someone thought of this! A college student thought of the deaf and the hard of hearing when she saw folks making face masks according to LEX 18.

From LEX 18:

WOODFORD COUNTY, Ky. (LEX 18) — A college senior from Versailles put her stir-craziness to good use with a project that will help the deaf and hard of hearing community.
"I just saw that people were making masks on Facebook for everyone to have instead of the throwaway masks, and I was like, what about the deaf and hard of hearing population?" explained 21-year-old Ashley Lawrence.
Lawrence is a senior studying education for the deaf and hard of hearing at Eastern Kentucky University. Due to the virus, she is living back at home and doing her student teaching from home.
"I felt like there was a huge population that was being looked over," Lawrence said. "We're all panicking right now and so a lot of people are just not being thought of. So, I felt like it was very important that, even at a time like this, people need to have that communication."
After a conversation with her mom, they put their craft skills to work.

We love it! Thank you, Ashley for this during a scary time! A feel good story to start the week!


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