Atlanta Man Creating First Sanctuary for Pit Bulls!

We all know that pit bulls (and pit mixes) are often stereotyped... I know all too well, since my Harley girl is a mix. They may look mean, but not all pits are that way.

Because of this bad stigma around pits, they are often left behind in shelters. One man in Paulding County is working to change that. He is building a halfway house just for pit bulls and pit bull mixes. It will be on 46 acres of land and the first of its kind!

Jason Flatt's home is full of kennels with pits and pit mixes. He told Channel 2, "We don't give up on dogs. We never have. Some of them are definitely adoptable. But, like anything, adoptable to the right home."

The dogs are cared for around the clock... and most have experienced some sort of trauma or abuse. Flatt has also hand picked some from local shelters, because they couldn't get adopted. Earlier this month, with the help of donations, Flatt was able to purchase the 46 acres of land in a remote area of Paulding County. He wants to build the "world's first pit bull facility". He hopes to raise enough money to be able to break ground within the next three years. He plans for every dog to have a "40-foot run, half covered, half concrete, half open, half grass" area. Flatt also wants to have a vet area, indoor play area and a pool!

While his goal will be to get every dog adopted into the right home, any that aren't adopted will live out their lives at the facility!

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