Fitness Friday! Don't Give Up!

I know it's a cliche: When you feel like giving up, remember why you started!

But honestly, if you have a reason, a WHY, that you are truly invested in, you will keep going! If there is passion behind what you're doing, you will succeed, but you have to keep going. I posted this on my personal Facebook yesterday and wanted to share:

Quit giving up when it gets HARD. Nothing in life comes easy-- and if it does, it probably isn't worth it. So many people will fall off when it gets hard. Don't let that be you. KEEP GOING! Push through. I guarantee you, you will be SO proud of yourself, and be able to look back and say, "Yes, I did that... and look how much I've grown and learned".I'm a competitive person... and I don't like letting people down (I'm a recovering people pleaser), so I want to prove to them that I AM worth it and I AM reaching my goals! Let 'em talk. Let 'em laugh. At the end, when I'm at the top, I'll know it was worth it all!

Now this isn't just about fitness... It's about anything in life really. So often I have let negativity, doubt, difficulty, other people's opinions, etc. dictate how I lived, what I did and what I didn't do. One negative comment could cause me to give up. One "off" day would have me giving up on my workouts-- but NOT this time.

I know in an early blog I talked about how I'd always been the "skinny" girl with no muscle. YA'LL! I am starting to see some definition and I am loving it! It hasn't been easy to stay dedicated especially for so long with no seeing results on myself... But NOW! I am proud that I've been consistent. Proud that I didn't let myself get talked out of a goal. I still have quite a few things I want accomplish, but this is just incentive to keep going.

Find ways to keep yourself going. Block out negativity. Find what it is you truly want to do this for. Is it weight loss? Building muscle? Being strong? Being able to run and play with the kids? To combat stress and disease? Whatever your reason is, remember it when times get tough. Push yourself through. You will come out stronger (not just physically, but mentally too!). You will be proud!

What other "fitness" topics would you like me to cover? Email me anytime at

Here are some progress videos!

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