Principal steps up for Custodian

It's not often that we think about how important every job is at a school. Other than the part where we're made to go to school even when we don't feel like it. I have the upmost respect for teachers, principals and custodians. Now that I'm older, I understand more of course and I don't see how those people handled us. But I know they did it out of love and understanding! 

However, before I keep going- this story caught my eye! A Texas principal stepped up to the plate when she took over for a custodian who had to leave in the middle of the day for a family emergency. Talk about having such pride in your school and being humble about it. Custodians work hard. That is a hard job at a school. tells us, "Principal Adreana Davis told, “I just put those gloves on and got to work.” Performing as a daytime custodian is not an easy task. There are often multiple lunch periods to be cleaned up after, the occasional classroom cleanup when a child becomes ill, and let’s not forget the bathrooms.

“In her absence, things needed to get done. And some restrooms needed to be cleaned,” Davis told the news outlet. Staff and students watched the principal push the custodian’s cart down the hall and handle the situation personally.

According to Davis, she spent her day cleaning so her teachers could focus entirely on the children. “As the leader of the building, that’s one of the expectations I have for myself and my staff — is to ensure that our kids have the best possible place to be educated,” she said.

“We do what we need to do,” Davis said. “It doesn’t matter what your title is.”



Photo Cred:  KENS5

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